23 October 2013

31 Days To Write The Story Of Your Family - Day 20: Extended Family

31 Days to Write the Story of Your Family

Day 20: Extended Family

I have a lot of extended family members that I'm close to and who have been very important in my life. My Dad has two sisters and one brother.  I have four cousins on that side of the family and they are all just a little younger than me, so when we would all get together, we would have lots of fun playing.  We still get a little crazy and silly when we see each other at Christmastime.  One of my Dad's sisters, my Aunt Marian, is my godmother and she has been very kind to me and my kids over the years. My Dad's aunt, Aunt Helen, only just passed away a couple of years ago, so I got to know her well over the years. Her sister (my grandmother) died when I was only four, so, in many ways, she acted as a surrogate grandmother to me, my siblings, and my cousins.

My Mom has only one brother, Uncle Bill. When I was little, he lived in Tennessee, so we only got to see him a couple times a year. He had one son (my cousin), who was a few years older than me, and we didn't get to see him much at all either.  Fast forward to about six years ago.  My husband and I were expecting our first child and we were living in Kentucky, very close to where my Uncle Bill and His wife, Sharon were now living. I was having major complications with the pregnancy. I had to go to the hospital three times a week to have ultrasounds. Thank goodness for my Aunt Sharon - she came with me to every appointment and even kept me company when I was admitted to the hospital for a couple of weeks before the birth.  My parents were four hours away in Cleveland, and due to work, my husband could not be with me all the time. I don't know what I would have done without her. Now that we've moved to Indiana! we don't see Bill and Sharon as much as we used to, but we do try to make an effort to visit, because they are sort of an extra set of grandparents to my kids.

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