13 October 2013

31 Days To Write The Story Of Your Family - Day 13: The Things You Do Together

Day 13: The Things You Do Together

What do we enjoy doing together as a family?  We very much enjoy going out to eat on the weekends, which is something I look forward to every week (partially because it means I don't have to cook).   Along those same lines, we go out to get frozen yogurt fairly frequently (probably too frequently).  Whenever my son has a soccer game, we all go to that together and cheer him on.  We sometimes like going to local parks, especially ones that have wooded paths so that we can go on little nature hikes.  My husband and I really like to travel, so we try to do as much of that as possible with the kids.  Two years ago, we vacationed in Northern Michigan.  This past spring we took a road trip down to the Mississippi Gulf Coast and New Orleans, and just a few weeks ago, we visited Chicago (one of my favorite places).  We are going to Niagara Falls next week!


  1. Have a wonderful time! My ex and I took our two girls camping from Vancouver BC up to Yellowknife and back again, one summer. Then we camped in 'circles' in and out of the Interior (think Shuswap Lake, Okanagan, Kelowna, Nelson), and also over on the Island (Vancouver Island - Port Renfrew, Long Beach, Courtenay, and more). Lots of fun, and wonderful nature hikes in all the different geography of our province, BC.

    1. That sounds wonderful! Someday, either when the kids are older or have moved out, my husband and I would love to take a (long) trip and drive up through the northern U.S, into BC and then catch a cruise that goes up through Alaska. Might be many years in the future, but something to look forward to!
